I’ve just joined a new little family #Edublogsclub and set myself yet another challenge of writing a weekly blog based on a prompt (just don’t tell my PhD supervisor!).
I began blogging about 4 years ago as part of my new adventure out in the big wide world. I wanted to try my hand as an education consultant after 30 years in schools. Consulting wasn’t new to me. I had been representing my schools at conferences and through a number of professional learning education agencies for years. I just felt I could do more as a free agent. So along with other social media platforms including twitter (@JoPrestia) I started this blog.

My twitter page
I like to think out loud through writing so thought this could be a great way to do it. I blog about everything educational including adventures in the classroom, relief teaching, conferences, coaching, consulting work in schools and with teachers, teaching and learning with pre-service teachers, my PhD & family and friends.
There is learning in everything.
I’m proud to say I have a little following and every now and then I get feedback. However, I don’t write to get comments or praise (though it is nice!). I just write because I like it. It helps me think – in writing.
I also love reading other blogs, mainly educational, including fellow PhDs and a myriad of great teachers who provoke my thinking. I love the Thesis Whisperer and Pat Thomson for my PhD advice, and others I enjoy reading, including @debsnet, Chris Munroe, Mark Weston, Jon Harper to name but just a few. I don’t always read posts immediately. Instead, I have long binge sessions regularly where I try to catch up. I also stumble on many great blog posts via twitter and my facebook page.

Bed chat
I try to use my time wisely though I am an A grade procrastinator! Sometimes I’m even shocked at how I get everything done! Even now I’m sitting in a nail salon waiting… so taking the opportunity to begin composing this blog on my iPhone. When it rains…
So that’s my blog story… never ending…
(What you have just read was finalised in the comfort of my own work space at home and my trusty mac!).
Thanks for reading 🙂
Hi Jo
Will you bribe me to not tell your PHD supervisor?
I really like how you say “However, I don’t write to get comments or praise (though it is nice!). I just write because I like it. It helps me think – in writing.” I often tell newbies to focus on writing for themselves and stop worrying about audience. But I also understand that it is hard to appreciate why it is important to write for yourself because you don’t understand this until you realize how much your learning changes when you blog.
Your post is also a great example of voice for those new to blogging to understand what is voice and a bloggers voice.
Pondered for awhile if you may have even tried to write the post while getting your nails. Think we need a pic of the nails!
Haha thanks for reading Sue. I’m already prepping for the second prompt -well in my head anyhow -trying to juggle some PhD reading and noting some thoughts, questions and ideas I want to run by my supervisor next week – so she knows I am working LOL!
I’m not offering bribes – she’s bound to find out as I’m pretty sure she reads my blog every now and then!
As to writing while getting my nails done – I’ve tried, but to no avail – can’t do it and plus, it’s kinda rude – now…how does one add a photo to this reply…?
Can’t believe I am not going to get a chocolate bribe! You could only add an image as a link. We don’t allow images to be uploaded to comments to prevent inappropriate images being added if someone doesn’t moderate comments.
Fair enough. I promise I do have a pic. 🙂
Hi Jo,
I continue to enjoy your blogs and the chapters of your story. I am not a blog writer but do enjoy reading.
Hi Louise,
You always make me smile – thanks for taking time out to read. I’m glad you enjoy them. Perhaps one day you might consider blogging yourself? Would love to read. 🙂
I absolute agree with this line “There is learning in everything.”
Continue sharing and inspiring to everyone!
I absolute agree with this line “There is learning in everything.”
Continue sharing and inspiring to everyone!
good to see your honest expression. how far are you in the PhD program and what is your topic
best regards
Dr. Ejaz Mian