How many words does a selfie say?

Here we go, prompt number 4 in the #edublogsclub challenge. I’m chuffed to be able to keep up so far!

This week’s prompt asks us to write a post that includes an image.

Arena di Verona, July 2016

As soon as I read it this above image came to mind. I’m going to keep this simple so you won’t be reading anything about photo etiquette or copyright law. If I use someone else’s photo I always state my source if I can find it, or at least credit where I got it.

This above photo was taken as part of our ‘selfie’ collection from our European trip in 2016 with the edition of a prisma transformation. Taking a selfie every now and again makes us laugh so hard and keeps our two daughters back home entertained. You can see we aren’t very good at it – well at least I’m not. I just don’t get it but it makes for quite interesting and always hilarious attempts. I keep most of them and this happens to be one of my very favourites.

It captures everything about the moment my husband and I were standing outside the Arena in Verona, Italy. We had just purchased tickets to see Aida that night in the Arena. It was a beautiful hot day, reflected with my fiery red hair and in the yellow flame-like images under the arches. The purchase made us very happy and was a welcome distraction from having arrived from Rome the night before without our luggage! (A good thing I had a lipstick in my handbag – that was about it, given we were only flying from Rome. Who thought to pack some knickers just in case! I always do for other inter-Europe flights).

It doesn’t matter now because the luggage did arrive an hour or so before the opera so we got to dress up and off we went! It turned out to be one of the highlights of the 4-week adventure.

This photo for me says it all, and together with my travel diaries always makes for wonderful memories. From an art teacher’s perspective, it is also quite interesting in design elements and principles, colour, shape, texture and composition, all because I’m not so great at taking selfies. Funny.

Aida -travel diary

Thanks for reading 🙂