Don’t expect that everyone will come on board or even think it’s a good idea.
That would be too easy.
Don’t be discouraged but instead, plan to develop your idea and find a few people who are willing to listen and help you do it.
Begin your journey with small steps, be prepared to take one step back, but never underestimate your ability to move forward.
Remember, not all things begin with a bang, sometimes it takes time to nurture and grow and establish deep setting roots. Go quietly and be humble, but always have the end in mind. Share your idea around and see what happens.
As the idea begins to grow, share the story, make others who may be in higher positions aware of what you are doing and get others to tell of their success.
Show them your ideas work, bring the evidence.
New ideas bring change and not everyone likes to change. Your idea may take a while but if you’re patient and your idea is valid then things will eventually change.
Never give up!
Thanks for reading 🙂
Very true! Sometimes it can be disheartening when something we are so excited about and really believe in doesn’t take off straight away or others don’t think it’s as great as we do. I think we need to keep reminding ourselves of our vision and not be afraid to fail. This can be hard. This article has some great advice. Thanks.
Thanks Nadia,
I hope to hear of some great ideas coming to fruition for you. Never give up!